
Showing posts from February 7, 2019

Prove $Delta text{ABC}$ is a right triangle?

3 4 Prove $Delta text{ABC}$ is a right triangle if: $$left{begin{matrix} sin^{2},text{A}+ sin^{2},text{B}= sin text{C}\ maxleft { measuredangle text{A}- text{k},measuredangle text{B},,measuredangle text{B}- text{k},measuredangle text{A} right }leqq frac{pi }{2}\ left | text{k} right |leqq 3 end{matrix}right.$$ I have a proof for my problem with $text{k}= 0$ . See here: $lceil$ $rfloor$ I also have another solution but ugly, I try to use similar method with $left | text{k} right |leqq 3$ but without success ! geometry trigonometry inequality share | cite | improve this question e...